Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hope is a sustaining human gift

It has been said that the only real things in life can seen with our own eyes - even in the dark. How does one describe hope then? Hope is a very real thing, seen every day, every where, in everyone. It has the power to change minds, perspectives - even people themselves.

Hope is a sustaining human gift. It can be given and received by all. We, as people, rely on hope as much as we depend on food and water. We breathe to believe that things will better; that every cloud has a silver lining. Maybe there is a pot of gold at the end of that elusive rainbow.

Hope, as a gift, is a contradictory one. It is selfish and indulgent - who doesn't wish for one's own personal success? We hope we achieve good grade, good exam results, a good college course, a good job. Even more-so, we hope for the downfall of others - especially those who are succeeding in areas where we are not.

On the contrary, hope is selfless and altruistic. To give or to be given hope is a joyous experience, making it one of the greatest gifts of all. A person's reassurance in times of high stress and anxiety gives hope in abundance. 'Things can get better from here', 'the only way is up', among other clichéd phrases have been uttered to one or other of us before. Don't you feel better after hearing them - maybe even a little more hopeful?

Young, old, male, female - regardless of who we are, our capacity for hope unites us. What do gamblers and the terminally ill have in common? Nothing, you might think. You would, however, be wrong. Hope is the most common fibre of our being. Both rely on hope in grief and loss - be it of the physical or the financial sense.

Probably a more significant question then the definition of hope - "what is hopelessness?" Hopeless could almost be described as an illness as severe as pneumonia, as chronic as a cold, as debilitating as scoliosis. We tend to lose hope in the face of adversity. This is a dangerous path.  Mental illness, depression and suicide all stem from the roots of hopelessness. Hope nourishes as well as any meal that will ever pass your lips. Those who are starved of hope live unsustainable, unfulfilled lives.

How many of you reading this have ever been told not to get your hopes up, by a peer, an authority figure or even by a parent? I condemn this hypocritical 'advice'. Young people are always being preached to about having high aspirations, to set goals and achieve them and (going back to some good old clichés), to reach for the stars and follow your dreams. So pardon me if I find it hugely patronising when an adult informs me I should go against this entirely, for fear of being disappointed. Disappointment is not something that should be feared. It is part and parcel of life. It shapes who we are as people. How can we expect anything good when we don't expect anything at all? High hopes sustain us to drive us further, work harder and dream bigger.

I sincerely hope I have not prattled on for too long, and I especially hope I have not bored you to tears. I hope you have gained something from this piece. Hope is a sustaining human gift. It is free to everyone, for as long as they walk this earth. Hope does not come with terms and conditions or strings attached. hope propels us to give our best in every aspect of our lives. In the words of Albert Einstein: "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow".


  1. This is great! Well done!

  2. Wow well done this is a brilliant piece! It gave me a huge amount of inspiration for an essay with the same title

  3. Provided me with a lot of useful points. Very very good essay

  4. Hiya Fionnuala my name is Katie :) I came acorss this cool post as i have to do that line hope is a sustaining gift for a essay as homework im in sixth year so yeeeeh all the stress and things. Just wanted to say im delria i came across it you sound like a super girly and your writing is good beyond words! Its so funny but its also really relatble in a weird kind of way. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it i really have an interest in writing and love it but always feel im nowhere near good enough,6th year english is not getting the best of me :/ wish i had those skills you have. I read about your 18th its the funniest thing ive read in a good while. Well i just wanted to pop by and deliver this to you as it kinda had an impact on me, Hope your career takes you wild and wonderful places :) your work deserves it!

  5. 7D3B69C4E4MadelineFF8F080110October 11, 2024 at 10:19 PM

    sanal şov
