Sunday, November 25, 2012


One of these days, I'll write a list. A list that I already take with me everywhere I go - though not in the physical sense. It's a long list. Everyone has one of their own, I'm sure. They won't compare to mine though.

One of these days, I'll write a list of everything I wish I could change. It would take up reams and reams of paper: from my appearance, my traits, my words, my actions, my abilities. I'd look at it every day and ask myself:

What would it take to be the best version of myself?

To be honest, I have no idea. But I'd love to meet her. It would be like meeting someone famous. I would be gushing over her and hanging on her every word.

"How do you do it?" I'd ask her, "How can you be everything that I'm not?"

She'd have all the right words. She'd know exactly what to say at the exact time. She could comfort in you ways that I couldn't possibly manage.  She would never be afraid to speak, in fear of causing an argument or offending someone. She wouldn't run when she had no idea what to say. She would be open to everyone, and utterly transparent to you.

She would listen. And I mean, really listen. She'd remember everything about everyone to a tee. She'd concentrate on every single word that left your lips and made a point of never forgetting a detail. She would be conscientious and considerate.

She would be reasonable and fair. She'd know when she was wrong - and, more importantly, admit it. She would be gracious in defeat and realise that not everything's about her, or having it her way. She would understand the difference between selfless and selfish.

She would not be immature, nor would she allow herself to be controlled or hemmed in by her family, her peers, or anyone else. She would be her own person, while still effortlessly dividing her time between everyone. Everyone would love her.

She would be everything you want and more.

Everything that I am not.

"One of these days", I would tell her, "one of these days, I'll be just like you. I'll change myself for the better. The way I act. The way I behave. I can do it. It's easy. In fact, why have I waited until now to be the best version of myself and make everything better? I'll be a different. Just you wait".

And you know what her response would be?

She would laugh.

One of these days ...